
Relief for Food Allergies in Dogs

Dogs like humans often suffer from allergies and the symptoms can be devistating. Common symptoms can include runny eyes and nose, sneezing, itchy ears, ear infections, itchy eyes, chewing or biting at skin especially between toes, front of elbows, groin, under arms, flanks, hips, around the anal area, redness where dogs can contact products and around the mouth and face if biting at bees wasps, soft poop, and more frequent bowel movements. Dogs typically only have a few of these symptoms not usually all of them. What are the triggers for allergies in dogs? They are usually from 4 broad categories. First they can be from parasites and insects like fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, bees, and wasps. Second contact with products like flea and tick products, cleaning products, lawn chemicals and many other products. Third from the pollen from grasses, weeds and trees and dust, dust mites or insect infestations like cockroaches. Fourth from food. Today I would like to address food allerg